Wednesday 30 November 2016


-Visit THIS LINK to do some further practice on I wish and If only...

- Visit THIS ONE to revise WOULD RATHER

  • Text 1 (From Rags to Riches...)
                  1C   2B   3E   4D   5A   8F
  • Text 2  (Does Money make you happy?) 
  •      1C    2A    3F     4B       5E


Dulce said...

1. Hardly had John begun to apologize when the door closed. 2. Seldom have I heard such a talented singer. 3. Had John known that she liked curry, he would have brought her to an Indian restaurant. 4. Rarely did the artist pay attention to his agent's advice. 5. Never had he felt so depressed. 6. In no way can the shop be held responsible for customers' lost property. 7. No sooner had the couple arrived than the priest started the ceremony. 8. Only when he saw his wife's face did Tom realize the meaning of the comment. 9. Never at any time had she said (that) she was allergic to cats. 10. Under no circumstances can the restaurant accept animals.

Carla said...

Hi Dulce,

Wow!! What an incredible activity, especially the last one. My mark has been 7/10... I need to revise it!

Although I guess this style is more used in a very polite way (poetry, literature...) English is always giving us

By the way, this year we've been studying a new technique called Fronting, and this one you show us seems to me almost the same... could be??? What do you think about it?

We're always learning new interesting rules about this wonderful language, as you told us last year, learning English is a process non-stop, not a goal. Thanks to share all your knowledge dear Teacher.

Take care friend,


Dulce said...


Yes, 'inversion' is part of that 'fronting' concept...

When part of a sentence is moved from its normal position to the beginning of the sentence, we call it 'fronting'. The part of the sentence moved to the 'front' might be the object or some other compliment, an adverbial or even the main verb itself.

THIS is mainly used by writers (authors, journalists etc) for dramatic effect. It is not common in everyday speech.

There are other common ways of giving emphasis more generally (adverbs, superlative adjectives, auxiliaries, cleft sentences etc.)

Fronting with adverbials of place and movement is one of the more common uses of fronting:

The garage was on the right of the house.>>
On the right of the house was the garage.

There's a small store room next to the kitchen.>>
Next to the kitchen is a small store room.

Fronting is also frequent with question-word clauses

I can't understand why she didn't tell us.>>
Why she didn't tell us I cannot understand.

We have no idea where she has gone.>>
Where she has gone we have no idea.

PS: and...'learning English is a process non-stop, AND a goal!'


Carla said...

As fast as a concorde... Wowww!!

Ok, now I understand a little bit better... thanks for your explanation. What an incredible variety of new forms of English usage! And some people think (wrongly, of course) that Spanish is a language more extense and rich than the Shakespeare's tongue. It seems to me that both are incredibly beautiful, with a large variety of grammar, expressions, idioms, syntax and so on.

Now, it only remains assimilate this new concept in my brain (which can be a hard work)... I'm joking!! All these new techniques provide us a wide variety of new grammar to use in our compositions... although, we tend to use the typical expressions, it would be great make some grammar constructions with all this range of English grammar. Let's see what can we do... lol

I insist, you're simply the best! Thanks again... Sweet

See ya!!!
