She works all day everyday.
Notice the difference. Can you?
All can be followed by of to show the amount of something
Rob used all (of) the paper.
Rob used all (of) the paper.
All can be used for emphasis. Note the position.
They all wore blue shorts and shirts.
Those stamps you gave me have all disappeared.
They all wore blue shorts and shirts.
Those stamps you gave me have all disappeared.
All means the only thing when it is used in the
construction all + subject + verb.
All I want is some peace and quiet.
It is unusual to use all as a single-word subject or object. Instead we use everything to mean 'all the things'.
Everything has gone wrong! (NOTAll
has gone wrong!)
All I want is some peace and quiet.
It is unusual to use all as a single-word subject or object. Instead we use everything to mean 'all the things'.
Everything has gone wrong! (NOT
Thanks for everything (NOT Thanks for all)
We tend to use everybody
and not all the people
No When no
is used to show the quantity of something, it can mean not any.
There are no plates left. No new students have joined the class.
There are no plates left. No new students have joined the class.
- No is not normally used
alone before an adjective. Compare:
This book doesn’t have any interesting parts. (usual)
There are no interesting parts in this book. (unusual – very emphatic)
None We do not
use no of. Instead, we use none of or none on its own.
None of the films that are showing in town look very interesting.
I’ve checked all the films that are showing in town. None look very interesting.
-In everyday speech none is often followed by a plural verb form.
None of the films that are showing in town look very interesting.
I’ve checked all the films that are showing in town. None look very interesting.
-In everyday speech none is often followed by a plural verb form.
formal speech or writing it can be followed by a singular verb form.
None of these telephones work.
None of the members of the committee has arrived yet.
None of these telephones work.
None of the members of the committee has arrived yet.
- To emphasize the idea of none we can use none
at all or not one.
A: How many people came to the party?
B: None! / None at all! / Not one!
Each, every The
meaning of each and every is very similar and often either word
is possible.
Each / Every time I come here I walk round the park.
But sometimes there is a small difference.
Each / Every time I come here I walk round the park.
But sometimes there is a small difference.
-We use each when we think of
the single items in a group, one by one.
-We use every when we think of
the items in a group all together. Compare:
They gave a medal to each member of the team. // I believed every word he said.
They gave a medal to each member of the team. // I believed every word he said.
- Each can refer to only two items, while every
She kissed him on each cheek.
She kissed every member of the winning team. - We can use each
of, but we cannot use
every of.
When the team won the cup, each of them was given a medal. - Each can be used after the subject, or at the end of a
The team members each received a medal.
The team members received a medal each. - Repeated actions are generally described with every. I practise the violin every day.

Both, Either, neither
1) Both
means two of two things. > I have two cats. I like both of them.
2) Neither means not one or the other of two things. > Neither of my cats is grey.
* Remember to use a singular verb after neither.
Neither of the dogs are dangerous. => Neither of the dogs is
* Remember to use a singular verb after neither.
Either means one or the other. There are two cakes. Please have one. You can have either one.
1) You can use both,
neither and either directly before a noun.
Both supermarkets are good.
Neither supermarket sells electrical goods.
We can go to either supermarket, I don’t mind.
Both supermarkets are good.
Neither supermarket sells electrical goods.
We can go to either supermarket, I don’t mind.
2) Both,
neither and either are often used with ‘of’. But you
must always use a determiner (the, my, these, those, his etc)
before the noun.
However, you don’t have to use of with both.
Both of the children like chocolate cake.
Both children like chocolate cake.
Both of the children like chocolate cake.
Both children like chocolate cake.
3) You can use both, neither and either+
+ object
pronoun (you, them, us).
Both of
them wore white dresses.
Neither of us was late.
Have either of you got a pen?
Neither of us was late.
Have either of you got a pen?
You can use both ... and ...; neither ... nor ..., and either ... or ....
Both James and Diana work here.
Neither James nor Diana works here.
Both James and Diana work here.
Neither James nor Diana works here.